Get list of available organizations
Returns a list with a single organization associated with the API key in the request.
Method | Path |
GET | /v1/organizations |
Response Schema
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | Unique organization ID. |
createdAt | date-time | The timestamp the organization was created. ISO-8601. |
name | string | Name of the organization. |
privateEndpoints | array | List of private endpoints for organization |
byocConfig | array | BYOC configuration for the organization |
Sample response
Get organization details
Returns details of a single organization. In order to get the details, the auth key must belong to the organization.
Method | Path |
GET | /v1/organizations/{organizationId} |
Path Params
Name | Type | Description |
organizationId | uuid | ID of the requested organization. |
Response Schema
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | Unique organization ID. |
createdAt | date-time | The timestamp the organization was created. ISO-8601. |
name | string | Name of the organization. |
privateEndpoints | array | List of private endpoints for organization |
byocConfig | array | BYOC configuration for the organization |
Sample response
Update organization details
Updates organization fields. Requires ADMIN auth key role.
Method | Path |
PATCH | /v1/organizations/{organizationId} |
Path Params
Name | Type | Description |
organizationId | uuid | ID of the organization to update. |
Body Params
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the organization. |
privateEndpoints | | |
Response Schema
Name | Type | Description |
id | uuid | Unique organization ID. |
createdAt | date-time | The timestamp the organization was created. ISO-8601. |
name | string | Name of the organization. |
privateEndpoints | array | List of private endpoints for organization |
byocConfig | array | BYOC configuration for the organization |
Sample response
List of organization activities
Returns a list of all organization activities.
Method | Path |
GET | /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/activities |
Path Params
Name | Type | Description |
organizationId | uuid | ID of the requested organization. |
from_date | date-time | A starting date for a search |
to_date | date-time | An ending date for a search |
Response Schema
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique activity ID. |
createdAt | date-time | Timestamp of the activity. ISO-8601. |
type | string | Type of the activity. |
actorType | string | Type of the actor: 'user', 'support', 'system', 'api'. |
actorId | string | Unique actor ID. |
actorDetails | string | Additional information about the actor. |
actorIpAddress | string | IP address of the actor. Defined for 'user' and 'api' actor types. |
organizationId | string | Scope of the activity: organization ID this activity is related to. |
serviceId | string | Scope of the activity: service ID this activity is related to. |
Sample response
Organization activity
Returns a single organization activity by ID.
Method | Path |
GET | /v1/organizations/{organizationId}/activities/{activityId} |
Path Params
Name | Type | Description |
organizationId | uuid | ID of the requested organization. |
activityId | string | ID of the requested activity. |
Response Schema
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique activity ID. |
createdAt | date-time | Timestamp of the activity. ISO-8601. |
type | string | Type of the activity. |
actorType | string | Type of the actor: 'user', 'support', 'system', 'api'. |
actorId | string | Unique actor ID. |
actorDetails | string | Additional information about the actor. |
actorIpAddress | string | IP address of the actor. Defined for 'user' and 'api' actor types. |
organizationId | string | Scope of the activity: organization ID this activity is related to. |
serviceId | string | Scope of the activity: service ID this activity is related to. |
Sample response