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Working with Parquet in ClickHouse

Parquet is an efficient file format to store data in a column-oriented way. ClickHouse provides support for both reading and writing Parquet files.


When you reference a file path in a query, where ClickHouse attempts to read from will depend on the variant of ClickHouse that you're using.

If you're using clickhouse-local it will read from a location relative to where you launched ClickHouse Local. If you're using ClickHouse Server or ClickHouse Cloud via clickhouse client, it will read from a location relative to the /var/lib/clickhouse/user_files/ directory on the server.

Importing from Parquet

Before loading data, we can use file() function to explore an example parquet file structure:

We've used Parquet as a second argument, so ClickHouse knows the file format. This will print columns with the types:

We can also explore files before actually importing data using all power of SQL:


We can skip explicit format setting for file() and INFILE/OUTFILE. In that case, ClickHouse will automatically detect format based on file extension.

Importing to an existing table

Let's create a table into which we'll import Parquet data:

Now we can import data using the FROM INFILE clause:

Note how ClickHouse automatically converted Parquet strings (in the date column) to the Date type. This is because ClickHouse does a typecast automatically based on the types in the target table.

Inserting a local file to remote server

If you want to insert a local Parquet file to a remote ClickHouse server, you can do this by piping the contents of the file into clickhouse-client, as shown below:

Creating new tables from Parquet files

Since ClickHouse reads parquet file schema, we can create tables on the fly:

This will automatically create and populate a table from a given parquet file:

By default, ClickHouse is strict with column names, types, and values. But sometimes, we can skip nonexistent columns or unsupported values during import. This can be managed with Parquet settings.

Exporting to Parquet format


When using INTO OUTFILE with ClickHouse Cloud you will need to run the commands in clickhouse client on the machine where the file will be written to.

To export any table or query result to the Parquet file, we can use an INTO OUTFILE clause:

This will create the export.parquet file in a working directory.

ClickHouse and Parquet data types

ClickHouse and Parquet data types are mostly identical but still differ a bit. For example, ClickHouse will export DateTime type as a Parquets' int64. If we then import that back to ClickHouse, we're going to see numbers (time.parquet file):

In this case type conversion can be used:

Further reading

ClickHouse introduces support for many formats, both text, and binary, to cover various scenarios and platforms. Explore more formats and ways to work with them in the following articles:

And also check clickhouse-local - a portable full-featured tool to work on local/remote files without the need for Clickhouse server.