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ClickHouse Rust Client

The official Rust client for connecting to ClickHouse, originally developed by Paul Loyd. The client source code is available in the GitHub repository.


  • Uses serde for encoding/decoding rows.
  • Supports serde attributes: skip_serializing, skip_deserializing, rename.
  • Uses RowBinary format over the HTTP transport.
    • There are plans to switch to Native over TCP.
  • Supports TLS (via native-tls and rustls-tls features).
  • Supports compression and decompression (LZ4).
  • Provides APIs for selecting or inserting data, executing DDLs, and client-side batching.
  • Provides convenient mocks for unit testing.


To use the crate, add the following to your Cargo.toml:

See also: page.

Cargo features

  • lz4 (enabled by default) — enables Compression::Lz4 and Compression::Lz4Hc(_) variants. If enabled, Compression::Lz4 is used by default for all queries except for WATCH.
  • native-tls — supports urls with the HTTPS schema via hyper-tls, which links against OpenSSL.
  • rustls-tls — supports urls with the HTTPS schema via hyper-rustls, which does not link against OpenSSL.
  • inserter — enables client.inserter().
  • test-util — adds mocks. See the example. Use it only in dev-dependencies.
  • watch — enables functionality. See the corresponding section for details.
  • uuid — adds serde::uuid to work with uuid crate.
  • time — adds serde::time to work with time crate.

When connecting to ClickHouse via an HTTPS url, either the native-tls or rustls-tls feature should be enabled. If both are enabled, the rustls-tls feature will take precedence.

ClickHouse versions compatibility

The client is compatible with the LTS or newer versions of ClickHouse, as well as ClickHouse Cloud.

ClickHouse server older than v22.6 handles RowBinary incorrectly in some rare cases. You could use v0.11+ and enable wa-37420 feature to solve this problem. Note: this feature should not be used with newer ClickHouse versions.


We aim to cover various scenarios of client usage with the examples in the client repository. The overview is available in the examples README.

If something is unclear or missing from the examples or from the following documentation, feel free to contact us.



ch2rs crate is useful to generate a row type from ClickHouse.

Creating a client instance


Reuse created clients or clone them in order to reuse the underlying hyper connection pool.

HTTPS or ClickHouse Cloud connection

HTTPS works with either rustls-tls or native-tls cargo features.

Then, create client as usual. In this example, the environment variables are used to store the connection details:


The URL should include both protocol and port, e.g.

See also:

Selecting rows

  • Placeholder ?fields is replaced with no, name (fields of Row).
  • Placeholder ? is replaced with values in following bind() calls.
  • Convenient fetch_one::<Row>() and fetch_all::<Row>() methods can be used to get a first row or all rows, correspondingly.
  • sql::Identifier can be used to bind table names.

NB: as the entire response is streamed, cursors can return an error even after producing some rows. If this happens in your use case, you could try query(...).with_option("wait_end_of_query", "1") in order to enable response buffering on the server-side. More details. The buffer_size option can be useful, too.


Use wait_end_of_query with caution when selecting rows, as it can will to higher memory consumption on the server side and will likely decrease the overall performance.

Inserting rows

  • If end() isn't called, the INSERT is aborted.
  • Rows are being sent progressively as a stream to spread the network load.
  • ClickHouse inserts batches atomically only if all rows fit in the same partition and their number is less max_insert_block_size.

Async insert (server-side batching)

You could use ClickHouse asynchronous inserts to avoid client-side batching of the incoming data. This can be done by simply providing the async_insert option to the insert method (or even to the Client instance itself, so that it will affect all the insert calls).

See also:

Inserter feature (client-side batching)

Requires the inserter cargo feature.

  • Inserter ends the active insert in commit() if any of the thresholds (max_bytes, max_rows, period) are reached.
  • The interval between ending active INSERTs can be biased by using with_period_bias to avoid load spikes by parallel inserters.
  • Inserter::time_left() can be used to detect when the current period ends. Call Inserter::commit() again to check limits if your stream emits items rarely.
  • Time thresholds implemented by using quanta crate to speed the inserter up. Not used if test-util is enabled (thus, time can be managed by tokio::time::advance() in custom tests).
  • All rows between commit() calls are inserted in the same INSERT statement.

Do not forget to flush if you want to terminate/finalize inserting:

Executing DDLs

With a single-node deployment, it is enough to execute DDLs like this:

However, on clustered deployments with a load-balancer or ClickHouse Cloud, it is recommended to wait for the DDL to be applied on all the replicas, using the wait_end_of_query option. This can be done like this:

ClickHouse settings

You can apply various ClickHouse settings using the with_option method. For example:

Besides query, it works similarly with insert and inserter methods; additionally, the same method can be called on the Client instance to set global settings for all queries.

Query ID

Using .with_option, you can set the query_id option to identify queries in the ClickHouse query log.

Besides query, it works similarly with insert and inserter methods.


If you set query_id manually, make sure that it is unique. UUIDs are a good choice for this.

See also: query_id example in the client repo.

Session ID

Similarly to query_id, you can set the session_id to execute the statements in the same session. session_id can be set either globally on the client level, or per query, insert, or inserter call.


With clustered deployments, due to lack of "sticky sessions", you need to be connected to a particular cluster node in order to properly utilize this feature, cause, for example, a round-robin load-balancer will not guarantee that the consequent requests will be processed by the same ClickHouse node.

See also: session_id example in the client repo.

Custom HTTP headers

If you are using proxy authentication or need to pass custom headers, you can do it like this:

See also: custom HTTP headers example in the client repo.

Custom HTTP client

This could be useful for tweaking the underlying HTTP connection pool settings.


This example relies on the legacy Hyper API and is a subject to change in the future.

See also: custom HTTP client example in the client repo.

Data Types

  • (U)Int(8|16|32|64|128) maps to/from corresponding (u|i)(8|16|32|64|128) types or newtypes around them.
  • (U)Int256 are not supported directly, but there is a workaround for it.
  • Float(32|64) maps to/from corresponding f(32|64) or newtypes around them.
  • Decimal(32|64|128) maps to/from corresponding i(32|64|128) or newtypes around them. It's more convenient to use fixnum or another implementation of signed fixed-point numbers.
  • Boolean maps to/from bool or newtypes around it.
  • String maps to/from any string or bytes types, e.g. &str, &[u8], String, Vec<u8> or SmartString. New types are also supported. To store bytes, consider using serde_bytes, because it's more efficient.
  • FixedString(N) is supported as an array of bytes, e.g. [u8; N].
  • UUID maps to/from uuid::Uuid by using serde::uuid. Requires the uuid feature.
  • Date maps to/from u16 or a newtype around it and represents a number of days elapsed since 1970-01-01. Also, time::Date is supported by using serde::time::date, that requires the time feature.
  • Date32 maps to/from i32 or a newtype around it and represents a number of days elapsed since 1970-01-01. Also, time::Date is supported by using serde::time::date32, that requires the time feature.
  • DateTime maps to/from u32 or a newtype around it and represents a number of seconds elapsed since UNIX epoch. Also, time::OffsetDateTime is supported by using serde::time::datetime, that requires the time feature.
  • DateTime64(_) maps to/from i32 or a newtype around it and represents a time elapsed since UNIX epoch. Also, time::OffsetDateTime is supported by using serde::time::datetime64::*, that requires the time feature.
  • Tuple(A, B, ...) maps to/from (A, B, ...) or a newtype around it.
  • Array(_) maps to/from any slice, e.g. Vec<_>, &[_]. New types are also supported.
  • Map(K, V) behaves like Array((K, V)).
  • LowCardinality(_) is supported seamlessly.
  • Nullable(_) maps to/from Option<_>. For clickhouse::serde::* helpers add ::option.
  • Nested is supported by providing multiple arrays with renaming.
  • Geo types are supported. Point behaves like a tuple (f64, f64), and the rest of the types are just slices of points.
  • Variant, Dynamic, (new) JSON data types aren't supported yet.


The crate provides utils for mocking CH server and testing DDL, SELECT, INSERT and WATCH queries. The functionality can be enabled with the test-util feature. Use it only as a dev-dependency.

See the example.



The most common cause for the CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA error is that the row definition on the application side does match that in ClickHouse.

Consider the following table:

Then, if EventLog is defined on the application side with mismatching types, e.g.:

When inserting the data, the following error can occur:

In this example, this is fixed by the correct definition of the EventLog struct:

Known limitations

  • Variant, Dynamic, (new) JSON data types aren't supported yet.
  • Server-side parameter binding is not supported yet; see this issue for tracking.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to us in the Community Slack or via GitHub issues.